I've been in CT, NYC, Jersey, PA and Charleston WV. First of all, there are hotdog stands every 100 yards in West Virginia. They love their dogs. Also the best tattoos and beards remain in West Virginia...sported by both men and women. Tough folk in these parts. Lastly, do not speed in WV...the police officers do not care if it is pouring down rain, they will pull you over and they do not mind getting wet.

Also, this man is now the Minesota state Senator...
Black America, this man often represents you and ran for president....twice. Now he's negotiating Michael Jackson's legacy. Please do something.

California, the Terminator is offering IOU's. Stock up, judgement day is coming.

Our Media is developing a banal story about Obama's evil eye...
And our jobless rate is up to 9.5% ...Come on now! let's get it in gear America. Work harder, suck it up, shake it off. Stop worrying about the little stuff. You've heard it all before. Get back to the basics, our country was founded on morals, ethics and compassion for our neighbors. God Bless America.
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